Monday, December 10, 2007

Biopharm And Biotech:

A study sponsored by the drug industry found that life science companies account for a diminutive, but growing part of the state’s economy. The study highlights the multiplier effect in the current pharmaceutical industry. For every job that it generates, an additional five jobs are created in another industry.

A career in the biopharmaceutical field can be very lucrative as biotech organizations and drug corporations compensate generously. There is a wide selection of jobs that are available for the picking. A student could be a biostatistician, a chemist, or even a clinical programmer.

Drug safety specialists, microbiologists, pathologists and toxicologists are some of the higher paying jobs in this field. A student can also apply for a job in the writing field as a technical or medical writer. The opportunities are endless and the best of the biopharm companies are hiring in numbers.

The National Institute of Science Media under the helm of Joel Ball, the President, publishes career books for students in the field of biotechnology. Each book is thoroughly researched and verified before the writing process begins. After meeting rigorous standards of quality a study material is published. Our medical writers possess a technical bent and intimately understand the student mind.

To know more about NISM and Joel Ball visit us online and avail of proactive resources that will assist you in obtaining the best jobs that are currently available in the field of biotechnology.

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